From 123 to Financial Competence

An effort connecting with like-minded parents to prepare our children with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to live a financially responsible, satisfying and secure life as adults.

From 123 to Financial Competence

Having Money Conversations with My 2-Years-Old Toddler

What was your money story like growing up? What did your parents and/or grandparents teach you about money? What kind of conversations would you like to have with your child about money? When is a good time to start teaching your child(ren) about money?

My Story with Money

While growing up in China, my parents didn’t talk about money with me and I didn’t ask them questions related to money. I had no reason to. They took care of all my needs (I wasn’t aware of the concept of allowance until I was in my early 20s). There wasn’t much I wanted other than buying snacks at school.

I was 11-years-old when I first stepped inside a bank (with my aunt). That was shortly after I immigrated to the U.S. On that same day, my aunt gave me 37 cents so I could learn the U.S. currency. It was a very memorable experience for me. That 37 cents seemed like a lot of money at the time.

At the age of 13, I started working part-time. By the time I graduated from high school, I had over $4000 in savings. I used some of that money to buy myself a laptop and a camera for college.

When I finished my undergraduate studies, I saved over $10,000 in my bank account. I had scholarships to cover all my tuition, fees and living expenses. I also worked part-time. With that amount of money in my bank account at age 22, I felt rich!

money conversation with my toddler

My Husband’s Story with Money

When I was a child, my father was a truck driver and my mother worked at a photo lab. Neither of them had a high paying job, but both tried hard to make sure my brothers and I were taken care of financially. 

Somehow, I learned to be mindful about money as a young child. I recall going to the grocery store with my father and brothers when I was about 6 years-old and paying attention to the unit price of items. I even took items out of the cart that my younger brothers put in and placed them back onto the shelves. When I was 10 years-old, I helped my father balance his checkbook.

At 13-years-old, I had my first part-time job. I worked throughout high school and college. When I was in middle school, my father told me I’d have to find my way to fund my college education. Since that day, I was determined to become the validictorian in my high school class. And I did. I received a full scholarship ride to attend college. Once I graduated from college, I secured a full-time position with the company at which I was working seasonally.

The Money Story I Hope My Daughter Will Have

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The Pinky-Promise with My Daughter (No More Melt Down at the Store!)

To make a pinkie promise or to pinky swear, is the entwining of the little fingers (“pinkies”) of two people to signify that a promise has been made (sealing a promise). It’s been said that this is most common among school-age children and close friends.

pinky swear pinky promise

I’ve both seen and heard many horror stories of the parent-child interaction inside grocery markets and gift shops. As my toddler daughter is growing more and more into a small human being (with her own set of attitudes, emotions and preferences) and becoming more physically able, I’ve been thinking a lot about how to best avoid or minimize such stressful situations.

My Old Strategy

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Five Ways My Toddler is an Early Conservationist

Her Daddy’s Influence

My husband is a minimalist. One of his life philosophies is we should consume to live and not live to consume. When he shops, he chooses quality over quantity. If time is not a constraint, he prefers to try to fix a broken object rather than getting a replacement. About 10 years ago, he stopped eating red meat. Each day, he’s mindful of the carbon footprints he leaves behind. I’m not there yet to meet him.

Her Mommy is Doing Her Part

I consider myself a conservationist in some areas of life, but not so much so in other areas. During the early years in our marriage, I had accumulated a lot of disposable stuff, which to this date, I’m still working to declutter. I’ve certainly gotten better in the past year. I used to think having a lot of things filling up the home is comforting. Thanks to my husband’s influence, I see the freedom living in a clutter-free home.

Sometimes, my husband and I still don’t see eye to eye on what we deem necessary. However, I do have some qualities my husband admires and he takes pride in that. He likes that (1) I am a smart shopper and that I negotiate prices; (2) I have general ideas of what most things should cost and I only buy when the price seems right; (3) I never feel like I have to have something right away (if it’s something I need, I look for alternatives); and (4) I think of purchases in terms of lifetime (amortized) costs. 

Together, We Are Stronger

early conservationist

I also don’t like to waste. My husband and I feel disgusted by the amount of stuff and food some people causally discard. This is very evident each time we go out to eat. Sometimes, we would see half a plate of food being left on the table that will soon go into the trash can. We also see a lot of waste in public places, too. Do people really need three pieces of napkin to dry two hands? Why take up two plastic bags when two heads of cabbages can easily fit into one bag? Why throw away an otherwise perfectly fine sweater when a yarn came loose? Does a toddler really need 10 pairs of pants to rotate through a season? The list can go on and on.

At home, we practice conservation. We aren’t perfect, but we try to use up stuff to the last drop if we can. When we do have to throw things away because they’ve gone bad, I don’t feel good inside. It’s not usually about the money, although that stinks, too (at our tax bracket, for each dollar we waste we would have to earn almost $1.75 extra). It’s the fundamentals of being wasteful that bothers me. “Why didn’t we eat the avocado the day before when it was still good? And now, we’ve to throw it in the trash can.”

I certainly want my daughter to grow up and be a conservationist but haven’t put much thought into teaching her about this concept or way of life. I was going to wait until she’s three or four. To my surprise, lately I’ve been noticing small behaviors from her that might show she’s already on her way.

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Cultural and Linguistic Influences on Early Math Learning

The purpose of this writing is not about me taking a stand on which culture’s numbering system is better than whose. Reading the existing research on this topic fascinated me and I wanted to share. As a parent, it’s valuable being aware that there might be an interplay between culture, language and your child’s mathematical development.

Cultural and Linguistic Influences on Early Math Learning

Cultural and Linguistic Influences on Early Math Learning

During my quest to understand young children’s concept of numbers and counting, I came upon an article written by a group of researchers at MIT. Marmasse and colleagues discussed the following concepts and research implications in the article:

First, different cultures’ representations of numeric symbols and the number system can facilitate or impede the development of children’s mathematical understanding. This is true for both acquisition of math skills and computations.

Second, the linguistic aspects of the number system also influence a child’s understanding of base structure, place value* (unit, tens, etc.) and associated arithmetical computations.

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8 Ways to Help Your Child Build Social Skills and Develop Social Competence

My Concern as a Parent Using Informal Day Care

I have been using informal day care (such as in-home care) since my daughter was 8-months-old. For a few months, it was just my daughter and her child care provider at home. On the one hand, I’m aware of the many benefits using informal care (both for my daughter and my marriage). My daughter enjoys the undivided attention she gets. She acquires amazing skills every day. All in all, we have strong reasons choosing to spend 35% of our monthly expenses on child care (I wrote about this in another article).

On the other hand, being a professional working in the early care and early education field (I also did research in this area while in graduate school), I am always being fed with information about the long list of advantages sending my child to a formal day care setting (such as licensed day care and child care centers). One of the areas these settings generally do well in is providing enrolled children opportunities to build social skills throughout the day.

social skills social competence

When it’s just my daughter and her child care provider, my daughter is missing out on those opportunities. As such, I think a lot about how to prepare my daughter for formal school (and the social world). How can I facilitate or structure my daughter’s day so that there are opportunities for her to interact in a group setting with her peers, meanwhile developing her social skills and reinforcing those skills.

Until my husband and I are ready to send our daughter to a formal day care where she’d be interacting with other children around her age, I am constantly looking for opportunities for her to be in a group setting.

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