A few days ago, I got frustrated with my daughter.

early math learning number concepts and meanings


I held up two books and asked her in Mandarin, “Mama is holding how many books?”.

She placed her pointer finger on her lips. While tilting her head, she responded with a smile, “one”.

I took a deep breath. “Mama is holding two books”, I corrected her.

I asked her to count the books. “One, two”, Ruby counted aloud as her pointer finger touched each book. She counted two books. She must be aware that I am holding two books, I thought to myself.

Trying again, I placed one book on the floor while still holding the other one up in my hand. I asked Ruby to tell me how many books I was holding. This time, she responded, “one”.

“Really?” I asked for confirmation.

“Two?”, Ruby changed her response.


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